
Home / Pianos / Bluthner


Model 10


Our Model 10 has Bluthner’s unique patentented aliquot system to enhance the treble. This is achieved by suspending an additional set of strings above the treble range, which are allowed to resonate freely as the notes below are struck. The gentle harmonics generated, help to add colour to an area of the piano which is often otherwise underwhelming.


The Bluthner piano company was founded in 1853, as demonstrated by Aliquot system, has a well earned reputation for innovation.

In the 1930s, the German admiralty commissioned Bluthner to construct a lightweight grand piano, almost identical to our piano, to be housed on board the Hindenburg airship. As the Hindenburg crossed the Altantic on its maiden voyage, a piano concerto was performed and broadcast live – and all this took place nearly a century ago!